OBSCURANTIST - traducción al árabe
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OBSCURANTIST - traducción al árabe

Obscurantist; Obscurantists; Obscuritanism; Abstruseness; Abstruse
  • [[Aristotle]]
  • The computer scientist [[Bill Joy]] proposed controlling the public's access to certain data, information, and knowledge, because the public cannot handle the truth.
  • The economist [[Friedrich August von Hayek]]
  • [[G. W. F. Hegel]]
  • Johannes Reuchlin]] (1455–1522) actively opposed religious obscurantism.
  • In the 18th century, the [[Marquis de Condorcet]] was a political scientist who correctly perceived obscurantism as a contributing cause of the French Revolution in 1789.
  • [[Karl Marx]] in 1861

من أنصار الظلامية


تَعْوِيق ; نَزْعَةٌ إلى إِعَاقَةِ التَّقَدُّم



تَعْوِيق ; نَزْعَةٌ إلى إِعَاقَةِ التَّقَدُّم


If you describe something as obscurantist, you mean that it is deliberately vague and difficult to understand, so that it prevents people from finding out the truth about it. (FORMAL or WRITTEN)
I think that a lot of poetry published today is obscurantist nonsense.



In the fields of philosophy, the terms obscurantism and obscurationism identify and describe the anti-intellectual practices of deliberately presenting information in an abstruse and imprecise manner with the intention of limiting further inquiry and understanding of a subject. The two historical and intellectual denotations of obscurantism are: (1) the deliberate restriction of knowledge — opposition to the dissemination of knowledge; and (2) deliberate obscurity — a recondite style of writing characterized by deliberate vagueness.

In the 18th century, Enlightenment philosophers applied the term obscurantist to any enemy of intellectual enlightenment and the liberal diffusion of knowledge. In the 19th century, in distinguishing the varieties of obscurantism found in metaphysics and theology, from the "more subtle" obscurantism of the critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant and of modern philosophical skepticism, Friedrich Nietzsche said that: "The essential element in the black art of obscurantism is not that it wants to darken individual understanding, but that it wants to blacken our picture of the world, and darken our idea of existence."

Ejemplos de uso de OBSCURANTIST
1. Islam is relentlessly portrayed as an obscurantist, unethical enterprise.
2. He wondered where the killers – with an obscurantist agenda – came from.
3. Traditional Muslim organisations whether mosques, community or political groups are run by obscurantist leaders.
4. There will be no Talibanization, which is obscurantist thoughts or way of life _ no Talibanization.
5. The opposition Pakistan Peoples Party called it an "obscurantist pipedream" and an attempt to "Talebanise" Pakistan.